Monday, October 1, 2012

May 2012

Writing next sentences is edgy for me, but anyhow, I decided to write it here, because it is important step for POPI-Slovakia and for pw community here in Slovakia. It is edgy, because it is about me - Boris. In May 2012 after 6 years intense, challenging and beautiful studies in RSPOPUK I passed phase II exams in London! I was the only examine that year and the whole event was very special for me. Doing exams was supportive learning. I felt like in oven and in the same time I felt lot of caring and love in the atmosphere. JC and Arlene were main examiners. This was important moment in my life and I hope we as community will benefit from it too. Next years will show how. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Processing with Arny and Amy

Thanks to Grundtvig project, pretty big group of people from Slovakia came to London for seminar with Arny and Amy in April 2011. We had chance to work in the middle with Arny and Amy to  process our stuckness connected with organizing Diploma training in Slovakia. Since that work things started to move pretty fast! And today when I am writing this blog, it is one month before first modul of the training!! Thank you Arny and Amy :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Emotions with Alexandra

I did not put here anything for few years, so here is again short info. Last weekend in February Alexandra was again here! Great seminar!! About emotions ;) mmmmmmm

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Facilitation with Stanya and Anup

In 2010 Stanya and Anup were leading seminar about group facilitation in Bratislava. In that time we were still one learning community connecting people from Slovakia, Morava and Czech. In that time we made more steps in differentiating more our individual paths as students and also as communities.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Voľby do SPS

Mili priatelia,
ako sme sa dozvedeli prave prebiehaju volby do vyboru Slovenskej
psychoterapeutickej spolocnosti. Radi by sme povzbudili tých z vas,
ktorí este neposlali svoj hlas alebo sa info k nim nedostala, aby
napriek horucemu terminu isli volit a svojim hlasom prispeli k
vytvoreniu vyboru, ktory bude urcovat podobu psychoterapeutickeho
odboru a vzdelavania na Slovensku v nasledujucich rokoch.
Deadline hlasovania je oficialne napisany do 30.9, ale ako sme sa dozvedeli,
vraj sa budu pocitat aj hlasy ktore pridu po tomto datume. Tato
informacia je telefonicka a istejsie je drzat sa datumu 30.9, no ak
nestihate lepsie je poslat aj po termine ako vobec. Vyhlasenie
vysledkov volieb by malo byt na konferencii v T.Tepliciach.

Kazdopadne ak ste ako clenovia SPS nedostali postou hlasovaci listok
(potrebny je asi original s peciatkou) a oznamenie o volbach, obratte
sa na sekretariat SPS najlepsie asi telefonicky Mgr.Katarine Mazarovej
0905 528 105

Kazdy hlas je dolezity. Prosim preposlite tento mail svojim priatelom
psychoterapeutom, ak si myslite ze by ich mohol zaujimat.

POPI slovensko odporuca podporit tychto kandidatov, u ktorych sme
stihli zistit, ze suhlasia so svojou kandidaturou:

Heretik Anton, Prof.PhDr.
Cagáň Roland, Mgr.
Šramová Zlata, PaedDr.
Vanyová Andrea, Mgr.
Zahumenský Miroslav, Mgr.

Mnohi kandidati o svojej kandidature nevedeli, pretoze ich nikto
neoslovil dopredu a nevyziadal si suhlas, takze sa moze stat, ze budeme
hlasovat za niekoho, kto so svojou kandidaturou nesuhlasi a hlasy prepadnu.
Preto uvadzame aj ludi, o ktorych sme zistili, ze so svojou
kandidaturou NESUHLASIA
(overil Boris Sopko):

Čierňavová Lucia, Mgr.
Kašáková Jana, Mgr.
Ondrisová Sylvia, Mgr.
Boris Sopko, Mgr. (nie je na kandidatke, ale je moznost dopisat
kandidata, tak pre istotu)
Hambálek Vladimír, Mgr. (overila Sylvia Ondrisova)

V prilohe posielame oznam o volbach a ukazku hlasovacieho listka s
menami kandidatov, ktory sme ziskali.
S pozdravom,
Institut procesorientovanej psychologie (POPI-Slovensko)

P.S. Ospravedlnujeme sa za nevyziadanu postu, ak ste tento mail
dostali ako neclenovia SPS.