After finishing the training POPI-Slovakia kept organizing seminars, most of them were focused on specific fields and supervision. POPI-Slovakia kept going, but with time it started to be difficult. People from organizing team started to feel burn out and we were thinking more and more about our next direction. But in the same time we gave also birth to our journal Kanál (Channel) , which lived for 2 years. The organizing team grew from 3 up to 7 people - Anty Heretik, Anty Hugo Heretik, Mária Andrášiová, Zlata Šramová, Eva Vohlídková, Pavel Vohlídka, Sylvia Ondrisová, Keša Mrkvicová (see photos). They worked together for several years. Some people from training were interested in passing the phase I exams and they found support for the idea in teachers from training program. I think since that time we became a sister organization to RSPOPUK. In 2002 13 people passed phase I exams in Slovakia. Our examiners were Arlene Audergon and Annie Morgan from RSPOPUK. And probably around that time the organizing team has changed very much. It was connected probably with crises in the organization - relationship crises and also crises about fulfilling our dreams.
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